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Byke Kultuur Never

Issue 3, December 2000

Emergency, temporary issue. Last updated 21st November 2000.
Hey, Closed Road is still in business but Open Road went bust.

Not much for now, more than Open Road are putting out though, but more will follow in versions a, b, c etc.
These aren't links 'cos I've forgotten how to do them.

The BikeFix stand at SpokesFest.
The big, dozy, chuff doing the ET and drooling over bikes he can't afford is Closed Road's Editor-in-Chief.

On the river at Spokesfest, Séamus powering the Newt.
Michael Perkins in the red shirt in the front of the boat.
If viewing in B&W, the one in the grey shirt at the front.

Philip Stanbury having a go on the Speedmachine at the Open Road Try-Out Show.

Séamus arriving at CycleFest on his Moulton APB.


Select whichever you feel happiest with....

1. Disruption of rail services due to a landslide between Doncaster & York with the unreliability of alternative services provided.

2. I have a secret lover and I wish to spend more time alone with him/her* (delete as you feel appropriate,tee-hee).

3. I have had a leg amputated following an embarrassing accident.

4. I have contracted an embarrassing communicable disease.

5. My employer has, at last, noticed a pattern to my absenteeism over the last four Novembers and threatened me with dismissal should I be absent from work this month.

6. I don't really like cycling and hate you all anyway.

7. I am going to the Opera with a close personal 'friend'.

8. I was unwilling to undertake the two days in each direction bus journey using National Express & Stagecoach buses.

9. I wished to visit the Peak District to try out my new £70 (reduced from £130) boots and it's merely bad fortune that I chose this weekend to do it and couldn't you change your weekend instead of mine.

10. I have accidentally dyed my hair bright orange (it said chestnut on the box) and I don't want to be seen in public just yet

Bike Right 6.

As detailed above, I didn't get to Bike Right this year but my weekend was not entirely useless as on Saturday afternoon I went to Bakewell YH, ate the famous pudding, had a whole roast chicken (99p) for tea and drank a few pints of overpriced but unimpresive beer before going to bed at half ten.
On Sunday I went walking through the grounds of Chatsworth House then up, up to Curbar Edge. At first I was tippy-toeing around the mud and puddles until I suddenly remembered that I was wearing;
(a) new boots with a sophisticated in-built proofing system,
(b) a pair of waterproof Porelle-Dry socks and
(c) a pair of nylon gaiters.
After that I sposhed through the mud and water with not a care. I had my snap; cheese sandwiches, an onion bhajee and a couple of cups of tea from my steel flask before taking out a very relaxing half hour to fly my Pink & Purple(ooer) kite.
I reached Fox House at 2:10 with enough time to finish off the flask of tea before catching the bus to Sheffield from whence I caught a bus home to Maltby falling asleep on the journey home.


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Editor-in-Chief; Séamus D. King
HTML Editor; Séamus D. King
Reportage; Séamus D. King
Comments and queries to; seamustuff@yahoo.co.uk
Last updated: 21st November 2000